


Energy Laboratory Resume

Head of Energy Group

Dr. Majid Amidpour

Field Of Interest:



1. Energy saving in industry.

2. Process improvement.

3. Pinch technology.

4. Process retrofit.

5. Water targeting.

6. Energy efficiency.

7. Exergy analysis.

8. Utility selection.

9. Debottlenecking.

10. Conceptual design.

11. Batch process.

12. Low temperature process.

13. Pilot plant research.

14. Process integration.

15. Sugar Industry.

16. Energy system Modeling.

17. Energy saving in transportation system.





PhD. Candidate

Gholam Reza Salehi

Field Of Interest:


1) Process Optimization

2) Renewable Energy

3) Feasibility Study


S. Ehsan Shakib

Field Of Interest:


1)  cogeneration system (water, power and heat production)

2)  hybrid desalination

3)  thermodynamic and exergy analysis

4)  thermo economic evaluation

5)  optimization and fuel consumption reduction






PhD. Candidate

Mohammad Zamen

Field Of Interest:


1) Thermodynamic

2) Heat and Mass Transfer

3) Solar Energy

4) Thermal Desalination

Meisam Kamalinejad

Field Of Interest:


1) Second Law of Thermodynamic

2) Cryogenics

3) Optimizing LNG Cycles Configuration






PhD. Candidate

Mohammad Hasan Khoshgoftar Manesh


Field Of Interest:


1) Combined Heat and Power Systems (CHP)

2) Thermal Power Plants

3) Thermodynamic

4) Exergy and Exergo economic Analysis

5) Thermal Desalination

6) Heat & Process Integration

7) Total Site Analysis

8) Turbo Compressor

9) Optimization of Energy Systems

10) Refinery Optimization

11) Mathematical Programming

12) Evalutionery Algorithms







PhD. Student

Amir Farhang Sotoodeh

Field Of Interest:


1) Constructal Theory

2) Pinch Technology

3)  Exergy and Exergo economic Analysis



Mousa Meratizaman

Field Of Interest:

1) Combined Heat and Power Systems (CHP)

2) Fuel cell (SOFC and PEM)

3) Gasification Process

4) IGCC and IGFC Power Plant

5) Exergy and economic Analysis

5) Solar Cell

6) Wind Energy

7) Energy Policy

8) Hydrogen Production Process


PhD. Candidate

Malek Shariati

Field Of Interest:


1) Heat & Process Integration & Optimization - Pinch technology

2) Combined Heat and Power Systems (CHP)

3) Gas To Liquid Process

4) Energy Management

5) Nanotechnology


PhD. Candidate

Mohsen Salimi

Field Of Interest:


1) Thermodynamics

2) Energy policy

3) Exergy and economic analysis



PhD. Candidate

Morteza Mehrgoo

Field Of Interest:






تاریخ به روز رسانی:
تعداد بازدید:
كليه حقوق اين وب سايت متعلق به دانشگاه خواجه نصير الدين طوسي ميباشد.